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- Microsoft WinG version 1.0
- --------------------------
- This file describes known bugs, gotchas, and helpful hints for the WinG
- Version 1.0 final release.
- ISVs may want to distribute portions of this readme file that describe
- configuration bugs along with shipping products that use WinG.
- WinG version 1.0 provides fast DIB-to-screen blts under Windows 3.1,
- Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95, and Windows NT version 3.5.
- WinG will not run on Windows NT version 3.1 or on earlier versions of
- Windows.
- WinG requires a 386 or better processor to run. WinG will not run on a
- 286.
- If you have problems with WinG, please run the wingbug.exe file in
- the bin directory of the SDK and send the generated report to
- wingbug@microsoft.com. Updated information on WinG is available
- on CompuServe in the WINMM forum and on ftp.microsoft.com.
- Known Bugs And Limitations
- --------------------------
- The following are known problems with or useful tidbits of information
- about WinG version 1.0.
- - On Windows 3.1, WinGBitmaps must be 8 bits per pixel and must be
- created with full 256 entry color tables.
- - WinGDCs are NOT palette devices. You must change their color tables
- using WinGSetDIBColorTable, not SelectPalette.
- - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt only support bltting from WinGDCs to the
- screen.
- - Using BitBlt and StretchBlt to blt from one WinGDC to
- another can be very slow when a clipping region has been
- selected into the destination.
- - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt may return different values than
- StretchDIBits for identical blts.
- - A few GDI APIs do not work correctly with WinGDCs:
- StretchDIBits will not blt 24bpp and 16bpp DIBs into an 8bpp WinGDC.
- FloodFill with a NULL brush draws incorrectly
- FloodFill outside of the bounds of a WinGBitmap can flood the
- entire image
- Brushes created with CreatePatternBrush with a WinGBitmap fault when
- selected into a WinGDC on Win3x - use CreateBitmap(8,8,1,8,0)
- DrawIcon will crash
- WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt will not always blt to the correct
- location when you have changed the Viewport and/or Window origins
- using SetViewportOrg or SetWindowOrg.
- - You cannot change the origin of halftone brushes created by WinG.
- - Noticeable timing differences have been found while running the
- WinG profiler on a computer connected to a network. For accurate
- results, disconnect your computer from the network the first time you
- run a WinG application. After the profile is complete, you can plug the
- net in again. NOTE: Microsoft is not liable for any damage you may
- incur by incorrect handling of your computer hardware.
- - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt use a slightly different color matching
- algorithm than StretchDIBits when blting an 8-bit image to a 4-bit
- planar display such as a standard VGA. Mixing WinG and
- StretchDIBits on these displays may produce odd results.
- - WinG relies on the mmsystem timer drivers to determine display
- performance. If mmsystem.dll and timer.drv are not installed
- correctly, the results of the performance test may be incorrect.
- mmsystem.dll should appear on the drivers= line of the [boot]
- section of system.ini, and timer=timer.drv should appear in the
- [drivers] section of system.ini.
- - WinG version 1.0 does not yet use standard DCI because of time
- constraints.
- - "Just In Time" debuggers install a fault handler in a chain along
- with the WinG display performance profiler. If your debugger
- reports a fault during the WinG display performance test, pass the
- fault on to Windows instead of invoking your debugger.
- Driver-Specific Problems
- ------------------------
- WinG depends on Windows display drivers written by independant
- hardware manufacturers for much of its speed. Bugs or performance
- problems in third-party display drivers may cause problems in WinG.
- In many cases, the video card manufacturer has already fixed the bug,
- and upgrading your display driver will often clear away problems.
- There are some specific "bugs" in display drivers of which you should
- be aware. The list below is not intended to slight the manufacturer
- of any particular card or driver.
- A list of stress-tested configurations is available on the CompuServe
- WINMM forum and ftp.microsoft.com.
- Some names in this list are trademarks of the respective
- manufacturer.
- - Early drivers for Diamond Viper cards included a "Power Palette"
- option that is no longer supported by Diamond. They recommend that
- you upgrade your drivers if you have this option. WinG may be
- slower when power palette is enabled.
- - IBM no longer supports the IBM ThinkPad 720c. There are some
- problems using WinG with the ThinkPad 720c display drivers.
- - Cirrus drivers before version 1.43 have many known bugs which
- have been fixed in the more recent drivers. Be sure to upgrade your
- drivers if you are still running with this version.
- - Some ATI drivers offer a "Crystal Fonts" option. Turning Crystal
- Fonts on in 8-bit modes sets up a non-palettized driver that can
- slow WinG significantly.
- - The ATI mach8 Radical drivers cause a number of problems in both
- WinG and in Windows with some versions of the ATI chipset. Be
- aware.
- - The ATI VGA Wonder drivers (W31-*.drv) will crash during a call to
- StretchDIBits in the profiler. Users can run the SVGA256.DRV driver
- that shipped with Windows.
- - Many miro Crystal drivers have problems with StretchDIBits, so they
- crash during profiling.
- - Early ATI Mach 32 PCI cards have a hardware timing problem and will
- hang while blting. ATI will replace these cards for no cost.
- - WinG is incompatible with the #9GXE "TurboCopy" mode. Use the
- #9 control panel to disable TurboCopy (it is off by default).
- - WinG uses a GetPixel to synchronize with display hardware when
- writing directly to the screen. The ATI Mach 32 driver's GetPixel
- does not work properly, so it is possible to use GDI to draw to
- the screen, then use WinG to blt to the screen and have them overwrite
- each other. Be careful mixing GDI drawing commands and WinG blts
- to the display.
- - The Orchid mmtllo.drv driver for the Prodesigner IIs has duplicate
- system colors which prevents applications from getting an identity
- palette and greatly reduces the WinG blt speed. A workaround is
- to set SYSPAL_NOSTATIC mode or use standard the Tseng ET4000 drivers
- instead of the mmtllo drivers.
- A Note on Speed
- ---------------
- WinG is designed to be the absolute fastest way to blt DIBs under
- Windows. The goal, achieved in many cases, is to blt at memory
- bandwidth to the display device.
- On most 8bpp devices, if you use the recommended DIB format (returned
- by WinGRecommendDIBFormat) and set up correct identity palette, you
- should get 1:1 blt speeds comparable to BitBlt, which blts device
- dependent bitmaps (DDBs) to the display. The timewing sample
- application will show you various blt speeds on your display.
- The WinGRecommendDIBFormat API will tell you whether to use top-down
- or bottom-up DIBs for fastest unclipped 1:1 identity palette blts. If
- you plan on using other types of blt (such as stretching or complex
- clipping), your application may want to time top-down versus
- bottom-up blts itself at run time. See the WinG help file for more
- information.